Process improvement, business process re-engineering, organizational development change. Jargon. We have specialized in working with teams to document, analyze, rethink and reimagine how they get their work done, how they structure their teams and how they work with their clients.
Industry Experience
Private Equity
Professional Services
Consumer Products
Financial Services
Strategy Consulting
Via our strategy consulting engagements we have worked with clients to:
- Enabled organizations to better identify, document and set goals
- Rethink products and services
- Analyze, test and implement new pricing strategies
- Reorganize teams and re-engineer processes
Market Sizing & Fit
Do you know where your company and products fit into the competitive landscape? Is your market share growing or shrinking?
Analysis beyond the powerpoint
Every company executes a process or series of linked steps to deliver the customers purchase. How many companies document, analyze, quantify and improve the way in which they deliver products and services? Process improvement isn’t necessarily about technology, we’ve seen dozens of cases where technology implementations led to error-prone or slower execution. Process improvement starts with understanding what the customer is purchasing, what value they receive, and working back from that point to analyze how you deliver and making that delivery as quick and smooth and cost-effective as possible.
For us, process re-engineering is the proactive and methodical way in which we improve an organization’s internal processes. Everything can be broken down, simplified and improved. When we do this we also look at the way that teams are structured which leads us to organizational design.